We’re Taking Action

As healthcare providers we have devoted the majority of our lives to providing excellent quality healthcare to our patients. In the setting of trauma and critical care we know first hand how intervention within mere minutes can make the difference between life and death. In our work world we have seen first hand the increase in the epidemic of gun violence. As parents we have witnessed how gun violence has affected many schools across the country. Any parent knows the feeling of our children being “our hearts walking around outside of our chest.” After the Uvalde tragedy, we asked ourselves “what can we, as concerned moms and healthcare providers, do to make our children safer and schools more prepared should a tragedy ever strike?” The conclusion we came to was to teach our educators and school staff how to identify and stop life threatening bleeding as well as supplying the necessary medical equipment to each classroom. Thus came about the idea for Tourn-A-Kits for Schools.

This training program is very informative and helpful to a classroom teacher like me. The program made clear the importance of getting trained to stop/slow bleeding. I received clear instructions and a chance to practice what I learned.
— Jose C. Teacher, Peninsula High School

Each Kit Contains:

  • Gloves

  • Tourniquet

  • Permanent Marker

  • Medical Scissors

  • Gauze

  • Instruction Card

Your $50 donation ensures one classroom has the supplies
they need post training.